Dungeon of the Endless

"Dungeon of the Endless is a Rogue-Like Dungeon-Defense game, in which the player and their team of heroes must protect the generator of their crashed ship while exploring an ever-expanding dungeon, all while facing waves of monsters and special events as they try to find their way out..." - Steam Description

Link on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/249050/

This game is very immersive and really reminds me of old dungeon crawling games. Quite team based in multiplayer although you can play solo and just control the other characters.

Development is still ongoing and the developers listen to the community.

Below is an example of the beautiful graphics.

Basically I'm showing people this game because:

A - It's Great.
B - I'm looking for people who might be interested in playing or already have the game to play with.
C - I felt like getting more involved on the forum than just reading.

I am not a part of the company by the way xD

Add me on steam if you are interested! Steam: RustyPoison


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Ha. Funny enough, I was eye balling this game for months since I got Endless Legend. Then it went on a sale I couldn't turn down last week during the Exploration sale. Haven't touched it yet, but when I'm in the mood after I get my Modmic next week, I'll be up for a game.


I'll add you then xD, just message me whenever and maybe we can get a game sorted. ;) Nice mic btw