DualShock 4 europe vs U.S?

So I normally live in the U.S, but I'm currently abroad in Germany for the summer. So I've mostly being using my xbox 360 pc controller when I wana play games on my laptop with a controller. But I really want to upgrade to a dualshock 4. I tried a friends before a while back and Inputmapper seems to work pretty well. However it has being a few weeks and now I'm in Germany, I was going to go to my local mediamarkt or Saturn to pick up a dualshock 4. I'm just wondering is there anything different about the dualshock 4 there compared to the U.S? Like will inputmapper still work for a german dualshock4? Sorry just a bit parnoid now since I found out that blu rays from europe don't work on American devices.

Anyone have any experiences?

It's the exact same thing. They're not going to waste money developing two variations of the exact same product.

Look on the back of most electronic products that run off their own battery, DC power, or USB. They'll most likely have both the FCC and CE mark. Meaning they're sold, and can be used, in both the US and EU.

im from germany, i bought a DS4 here, it works with the input mapper.

as far as i know all the DS4s are the same.

Okay thanks! Did you buy it for your pc? Cause I don't have a ps4 and need to find someway of charging the Dualshock 4 once I get it.

yes i use it with my pc.
you can connect it with bluetooth and charge via micro usb or you can use it completely wired.

Maybe you should buy the DS in the states rather than here in germany. The exchange rate $/euro should be better.

yeah as far as i know most stuff is a little cheaper in th USA compared to Germany (because we earn more $$$ here :P)

Hehe ^^