Dual PSU case? Or something else

Hey guys I did not know where to put this because it retains to a couple different things. Okay so, I bought a 780 a while back and when I first hooked it up and started playing games and just burning it in basically , I would hear an ambient buzzing sound and I could not talk in team speak or anything because my sound card (which is powered with the PSU) was picking up the buzzing sound. I thought it was the card so I returned it and quickly realized it wasn't the card when I plugged in the new one, It was my PSU. So, I replaced it because truthfully it needed to be done. When I got my new psu the sound was gone but the buzzing was still in the sound card when playing games..so this is what I did. I grabbed an old 400 watt thermaltake PSU sat it next to my pc and plugged my sound card into it. and WALA the sound it gone....what the heck is going on here? I have the onboard audio stuff disabled and no software interfering with the sound card software and drivers so Im having a hard time figuring out what is wrong. should I just get a new case for 2 PSU's? Is it the card? mobo? I'll post a picture of the mish mash. pardon the mess of wires im pulling and fixing it as I post. I appreciate any help guys thanks!




Unless it's a very expensive sound card you could consider replacing it with one that does not need power from anything else than card slot itself.

Also try running the system off a grounded outlet if it's not already. It's a very good idea regardless.

It is expensive card in my opinion and It is connected to a grounded outlet..I thought it may have been my backups doing it but it wasnt. 



I see. There is a type of power supply that fits into a standard 5.25" bay. I don't have a specific recommendation but that option might be worth looking into.

Yeah sure if its cheap enough im down. I was just wondering really though if there is a problem with something or if It usual for 12v powered sound cards.

This kind of electrical line interference can certainly happen without there being a directly flawed product involved, even if with another graphics card (of another type, brand or level of power consumption) the effect might not be present or much less noticeable. A different power supply could also make it better or worse, without there having to be a faulty component involved.

Adding a filtering capacitor between the power supply cable and the connector on the sound card could also have some beneficial effect. Though I haven't seen one such used in practice ages so I don't know how easy they could be obtained apart from having one custom made.

I would first make sure that your sound card is on a different rail from everything else, the sticker on the side of the psu or the manual will tell you what cables are on what rails.

I also got similar interference with my sound card, an asus dgx, whenever the gpu's would ramp up in games. I swapped to a different pcie slot and switched to a different rail on my psu (it's a seasonic, if you're wondering) and the problem was solved.

I believe the RM series only has one 12V rail?

I know this isn't the issue, but I have a dual PSU setup with my HAF stacker. I run the main parts (GPUs, CPU, and MOBO) on an AX860 and I run my hard drives, fans, and other things on a secondary CX 430. I wouldn't recommend the hassle because you have to remember to turn on and off the secondary PSU when turning on and off the system but I wanted to do something different but I indirectly can say I got 1290 watts ;) I can post a pic if you want.