Dual Monitors

Hey all,

Does anyone know of any free/cheap software or any other method that will allow me to use my secondary monitors without minimizing fullscreen games? 



some game have options that allow you to keep them open and maximized while doing other things. i know heroes of newerth has it at least. some games if you tab out will stay up if your tabbing to an open window on another screen. as far as software to do it  unknown. i dont think there is a huge demand for it.

If you run your games in borderless windowed mode you should be able to alt tab to another window while keeping your game full screen.

I think there are programs to run games in borderless windowed mode for ones which don't have it by default but I'm not 100% sure what they are like.

Well, theySt0lemyname.... I checked the video settings in basically the only game I play and there is an option for 'Fullscreen windowed' ... I'm very excited about this, hah.

I wasn't aware such a thing existed in game. Beautiful feature! Thanks dude.