Dual monitor GPU

Ive been thinking about getting a new GPU but i dont know what would be batter for dual monitor setup at 1080p 60hz GTX 760 4GB or GTX 770 2GB. please state why you would pick these are cards are both right at my budget.

Is that 4GB 760 the 760 X2?

Hy Tracer0311,

beacuase 2 monitors will not usualy run in Nvidia Surround ( beacuse with to Monitor you have the double border of your monitors in the middel of both screens, which does not realy makes sense for gaming) it does not realy matter which of the both cards you choose. In the end you have to decide how you gonna use your monitos, If you play game on the one monitor that need a lot of graphic power and want to run a movie one the other monitor you should probably go for the better card.  For gaming decide if you have to  spend more money on better quality/fps, If not both will be overpowered anyway if you don't do gaming or video editing.

hope this was helpful



im only gonna game on the one monitor but want to be able to have the second monitor for a additional programs. like internet program for walk throughs

the second monitor will put next to no load on the gpu

would the second monitor focus more on the CPU?

doesn't really take anything on a modern system, all it has to run is more desktop environment or maybe some video, i mean if you want to get technical you could lower the specs of the machine until you start to see something getting a significant load, but realistically any modern desktop won't see any observable load

No. Even if it did it would be so tiny you wouldn't notice. You're fine. 

I wouldn't recommend either of those cards anyway. 

The 760 4GB is pointless. You don't need that much VRAM on that GPU. 

Plus the nVidia cards are beaten 9/10 times by their AMD equivalents which are also cheaper. 

So unless you absolutely need something like CUDA I'd recommend AMD.

DerKrieger is right. 280x is you only man.
