Ya , I know it mostly worthless but still??????/
This card is amazing. Even the revie on tomshardware was positive, although they usually criticise AMD a lot and favor NVIDIA:,review-32924.html
In their conclusion they are pretty much like: MUST...FIND....SOMETHING...TO...CRITICISE...AAAARGH
I was very sceptical about two r9 290x chips on one beard because of the heat but the cooler is very impressive.
In the tomshardware revie the R9 295x2 did not use more energy than 780ti SLI which was very surprising
Any seen a price on it yet? I love the built in watercooling idea.
1500 pretty much around that range. would be interested to see it compared to titan z especially since the titan z is twice as expensive.
$1500. Supposedly. We'll see where that goes once it's actually available.
wow, this card decimates benchmarks in the higher resolutions. and you can also see where games are poorly optimized for crossfire. like diablo3 :(
Exactly. At 1440p I feel like two 780 Ti's are a much more compelling buy. But above that, the 3GB seems to bottleneck a bit. Perhaps the 6 GB versions will fix that a bit.
Footnotes from the page:
- In a 3DMark Fire Strike benchmark test in 1080p, the AMD Radeon™ R9 295X2 outperforms the Titan Black, Nvidia’s highest performing graphics card as of March 12, 2014, by a score of 15,862 to 9,878 in the Performance preset, and 8,764 to 4,725 using the Extreme preset. Test system: Intel i7 4960X CPU, 16GB memory, Nvidia driver 334.89, AMD Catalyst driver 14.10 and Windows 8.1. GRDT-36
- Application support for Mantle is required.
I'm sincerely amused that AMD has already sent out their reference samples to a couple of reviewers. It seems that nVidia has no intentions of doing the same.
i think that's because at half the price you get a higher performing card from AMD
Mostly, i dont see it being too reasonable tho. I consider 1500 alittle steep . Who has 4k monitors so this thing can stretch its legs?
Its not for everyone. I would not even spend 1500$ for an entire PC. But those that are buying dual GPU solutions or are actually playing at 1440p or even 4k the R9 295x is the best price performance solution.
Yes, you could buy two R9 290x's for less than 1500$ but you are going to have some big heat problems in smaller cases
you can get even better thermal performance by adding another fan on that rad for push pull config.
The 290X's with good aftermarket coolers are in the $650-$750 range. So there is anywhere from a $0-100 price premium, but then again you are getting a hybrid air/water cooler and the smaller form factor.
Yes, it really isn't for everyone, but it is nice to have and is probably one of the better dual GPU cards.
I'm waiting impatiently to see EK make an utterly massive waterblock for it. I want to see it in the CSQ design, but the classic clear acrylic would also be nice. I want to see someone cram it into a mini-ITX rig. It would be hilarious.