Dual GIGABYTE EPYC Server: The World Record Breaker! | Level One Techs

Benchmarks: https://openbenchmarking.org/result/1910057-SP-1909192AS94 Getting the most from your new Epyc server: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/getting-the-most-from-your-new-epyc-serv...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/dual-gigabyte-epyc-server-world-record-breaker

@wendell How much does the barebones 2u x R282-Z90 cost? Looks pretty awesome hmm…

@wendell I noticed the rack has a NMI button; also the manual does refer to this when searching for ECC. I’m assuming the BIOS handles ECC reporting correctly? Thanks!