few days ago @Kai gave me an idea to install ubuntu touch on my nexus 5, so i decided to do that, and now i will tell you my experiences and how i installed ubuntu touch on my nexus 5
#using ubuntu touch
Ubuntu touch is easy to use, if you have used any smartphone in the last 2 years, you get used to it very fast.
good things about ubuntu touch include terminal access, ubuntu packages(via apt-get(needs some hackery, i am still looking into this)) and come on, its something different
some bad things (might be nexus 5 or my device specific) is shorter battery life, and no bluetooth, and the apps are not quite there yet, most apps are just a borderless browser to the mobile website(more users and developers will fix this over time).
ubuntu touch supported devices
here is the list of devices that should be able to run ubuntu touch → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices
also, to follow my method, your device needs to be on the supported devices list of MultiROM Manager (you can install ubuntu touch without it, but its not as easy to switch between ubuntu touch and your choice of android(mine is stock 5.1(rooted))
#How to install
to start dual booting Android 5.1 and ubuntu touch on your device has to have an unlocked bootloader and rooted
(you can find a lot of rooting guides for your particular device) -
after that, you just download this handy app called MultiROM Manager (this is what you need root for)
(note, check that your device is compatible, if not, this method wont work for you) -
install the components MultiROM manager wants(kernel, recovery, etc)
after its all done and you have rebooted, then go back to the MultiROM manager app, and select install ubuntu touch, let it do its thing, reboot your device, and when your device says “booting to internal” say cancel, select ubuntu touch and boot to it
congratulations, you have ubuntu touch, and if you want to go back to android, just shut down your device, reboot, and select “internal”
i am not that good at writing topics, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me
EDIT: i almost forgot, special thanks to @Eden for helping me