Dual Boot with Windows 7 on Motherboard Raid0

Hello everyone,

I am having difficulty figuring out how to dual boot Ubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 7. I have a RAID 0 array setup accross 2 120Gb SSD's using the Intel RAID controller on my motherboard. The RAID was setup through the RAID controller. From my research it seems that this should show as a single volume in Windows and Linux, but Ubuntu does not detect Windows, and shows each 120Gb SSD separately, but does say they are RAID members.
I will include a screenshot of FDisk from the Ubuntu live usb.

Do I have to use the alternate installer or the server version to make this work correctly? Any help anyone can give would be great. I do not want to risk loosing any data on my Windows install so I am being very cautious right now.
I am not a total Linux noob, but I havnt used it as a daily driver very much either.
I am ok to work in Terminal.

Well I expected at least some sort of advice on this by now, but I am moving forward and trying some things. I will document my failures/success here in case anyone else ever runs into the same issue.

What I have done so far:
1.)Downloaded Ubuntu Gnome 14.04.2-desktop-AMD64 (I like Gnome better than unity anyway)
2.)Re-Sized the Windows OS partition on the RAID array to free about 100Gb of space - I left the free space Unallocated.
3.) Will boot the LiveUSB again and see what options I now have.

I will update again with my findings.
If anyone sees this and has any advice at all, please let me know.

So after consulting the Ubuntu forums and doing a lot of research, I was able to come to the conclusion that for whatever reason Ubuntu refuses to detect the Intel RAID volume correctly, thus making it impossible to install to that drive.
I have admitted defeat and will just stick Linux on a secondary mechanical drive. It seems I am not the only person to have this issue, and it seems to be a problem specific to the Intel Rapid Storage Technology RAID.

I hope this information is helpful for someone else at some point. One of these days I will be ready to abandon Windows all together and will get Linux on my SSD's but until then mechanical will have to suffice =)

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Consider software based raid or better yet,..disable RAID and span a BTRFS file system accross the drives.. it performs the same functions as raid and can save your data when things go wrong :D.. see @wendell's video on why raid is going obsolete.. :D
In fact resize the drive so that windows in on one drive before you disable raid.. then leave windows on one SSD... and use the rest of the space in a btrfs type file system.. it may be the only shot if its not recognizing intel Rapid storage :/.. See the complicated issue is you already have windows on a RAID system.. if that wasnt the case then it would have been easier to give windows a small section of one ssd and use the rest of space for btrfs.. but I am not really sure how it will turn out

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