DT 880 or AKG 7xx both currently on Massdrop

Both of these cans are available on massdrop for about $200.  I was going to pick up the AKG 7xx but the very next day the 880's dropped too.  This will be my first HiFi cans, used mostly for gaming and movies but I do enjoy Jazz and Blues from time to time.  Which would you all recommend?  I'm leaning toward the DT 880's (250 ohm).

I guess while you're at it if you have any input for an amp\dac let me know.  I'm considering the Schiit stack, or o2/odac but a budget tube amp looks interesting such as the aune T1.

Thanks for any help you all can provide.

I keep hearing that some of the K7XXs have rattling issues with their drivers. The first batch of 2000 had something like 50 confirmed cases of rattle, but I feel like there might be more out there that haven't been reported to Massdrop. Having said that, they apparently sound very good for the money.

That's no good...  I keep seeing Logan recommend the 880's and $250 looks like a great price.  Just fifty bucks more for some good ole German engineering!

I own a pair of the 250 Ohm 990 Pros and I think they are great, so if the 880s are made anything like them they'll be great. Super comfortable even on my big head, sound good, and seem to be well built, especially considering I may or may not have sat on them once or twice. The 880s are also apparently a bit more flat in frequency response, which is probably a good thing because prolonged highs in my 990s are fatiguing to my ears.

I personally use the O2/ODAC combo, but I think the Schiit Stack is a better deal since spec-wise it's pretty much the same, but it's quite a bit cheaper. If you're thinking about tubes maybe look at the Schiit Vali? It's a hybrid amp so it will still have a bit of that tube sound, but it will still be fairly neutral because of the solid state portions.

i had the dt 990 pro 250 ohm and now i have the dt 880 edition 600 ohm.

the 880s are a bit more flat, but mostly the bass is more tame compared to the 990s. when you are used to more bass heavy headphones, it will sound strange in the beginning, but once i got used to it, i started to like it really much.

the 880s still have the beyer peak in the treble, but a little less than the 990s. the headband of the "edition" models also has a little less pressure than the one in the "pro" models.


They're back. Anyone experienced both yet?