DS4 Controller problems

Hi all, I have an 8bitdo receiver and an official Sony, I found that the ps5 controllers have a problem when using them on windows with the analog sticks, basically they don’t reach 100% when steering for example in a car game so I went back to the ps4 controllers but the problem is that I have to re pair it everytime I turn it off, plus on ds4windows software it is recognized but it doesn’t apply any change, like the lightbar for example. Any idea?

Well there is ds4 https://ds4-windows.com for mapping the sony controllers. I know steam you can enable the ps5 controller natively in Steam → settings → controller. And then there is updating the firmware on the ps5 controller Update the wireless controller firmware

Also have you tried running the controller wired vs wireless?

I’ve had zero issues with Ds4windows, it’s basically an auto-install for me. The main things I’ve found is to create a new profile to set things how you like (mostly colours and touchpad to mouse settings for me) and then delete the other one, just for multiple controller swap reasons. And of course if you have Steam disable that profile to be safe.

Don’t have a DualSense but that sounds like a configuration problem.

I also had zero issues in the past I have no idea why it’s doing this now.

It works perfectly when wired, lightbar reacts to the changes.

That is very strange then. I guess the usual steps: Reinstall the software, update or reinstall Bluetooth drivers?

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Second the bluetooth driver / connectivity issue.

Wich bluetooth driver? I mean both the receivers I use don’t need specific driver and there is no driver to download on the product page.

The motherboard driver would be my first guess for the ps5 controller as I know it doesn’t come with one. As for the 8bitdo - don’t have an answer for that one.

The motherboard bluetooth driver is for the motherboard bluetooth device that I keep turned off from bios.