Drupal, C, C++

Things I love most is websites, hardware and games.


After I get out of high school I'm going to start by learning everything about Drupal because I think it would give me a little bit of each web language ie: php,mysql,etc and would be a good platform to build some first sites from. 

And I really like hardware and want to understand it more so at least to my understand I should learn C before jumping into other languages 

And then for games even though I don't really ever expect to make a game, I sure as hell want to understand them and as I think c++ is for coding normal programs in windows?

Am I making right or wrong assumptions with any of these choices ? also what are other things languages I should look into>


Learning C++ and HTML are basics and will help you with all code no mater what you decide to do.

There are many ways to learn the basics of programming. C++ is a good choice, because it's widely used in many forms of applications (including games) on ALL platforms, not just Windows. Also, it's pretty straight forward in the 'logic' department. PHP is known to resemble C++, that's because it's written in C++. I wouldn't bet on Drupal giving you intimate knowledge on how to make a PHP program or write a nice SQL query. Start with the basics and the rest will follow, if you're still interested at that point.

I tell you this from my own experience. I started out writing Javascript, because I could write serverside code and clientside code in the same language, using ASP 1 and 2. I didn't want to continue on this route when ASP.net adopted VisualBasic as it's language of choice. I learned PHP (which is syntactically very similar) for the serverside coding part. From there I descended into custom techniques and frameworks like Drupal.

If you're not easily discouraged however, you can dive into Drupal straightaway and install / configure a bunch of schtuff and make a pretty decent website in merely days, w/o any in-depth programming knowledge. That's a given.

Read and contribute to the sticky please. We want to keep this forum clean of "newbies n the world of programming". You can help more by also posting in the sticky. That way there won't be any repetition of these threads in the future.

Like seriously, this is getting way out of hand. I do not condone of what you ask but what thread you're posting. I'm ready to set a tally chart of how many of these threads we'll be getting next.

Sure, I'll refrain from giving my opinion and refer to the sticky next time. No problem :)