Drug Inspired Music

I thought some of you guys might like this website https://www.stereodose.com/

What you do is select the illegal drug of your choice then the mood you are in and it makes you a playlist based on that. I have discovered some pretty cool music from this website, not to mention it's great when you can't be bothered organising a itunes playlist.

Cool. I chose Lsd and trippy mood and it started playing hiphop o.O I like 8tracks more

I chose weed and groovin' and got some nice 70's funk remixes.

LSD + space = dubstep?

Shrooms and matrix. Got some club music not really my taste.

lol most of time im on weed and groovin.

This is a hit that still lingers on from my more psychedelic trance/dark electro years:




(references to ayahuasca)