Driver not supported on windows 8.1

So I've been slowly putting my first PC together, but I got mu PCI wifi adapter and I find out after ordering it that it's not supported by windows 8 or higher, so I need some way to put it's driver software on windows 8. I'm not the best in changing code but I know a few things if any one can help I'd be very grateful

The site for software.

Did you try to install the Software? It has Win 7 Support Maybe it Runs.

it should work despite not having support for it. I have a HP Stream 7 tablet that has no support for Windows 10 OS. (At least on the driver space) and all the stuff works on the RTM build.

Every time I try and Install, it just says that it's not supported

Did you download the right Installer (32/64 bit)?

I'm stuck on a wired connection, I don't see a option for any wireless option anywhere.

yeah 64bit

do you install from cd or from download, and is it the Driver or the Utility Program?
Maybe the Driver Works and just the Utility Program has Problems.

CD installer.

what would I do with these files to install besides the installer

You Could Try Download from the Website and Install that.

i think you can install the 3rd file by rightclicking it. (netathrx)

Won't Install, the download from the website is the same from the files in the CD

Gives me an error when I try to install

Try Compability Mode for Win 7

How do I go about that?

i just know it from win 7

it was Rightclick and then Properties and there was a Tab named Compability

and try run as administrator

Oh damn thnaks this is what I'm looking for, thank you I can take the rest from here.

no problem hope it works now