Dream build

I few months ago I had everything ready to go to build a new PC to get rid of my old hunk of junk. My PC as of right now is a core 2 duo 6400. 2gigs DDR2 memory ATI 9600XT 2 500gig harddrives and 2 1600x900 17in monitors. 500w cooler master PSU.**Edit http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171031 **  212+ CPU cooler. I asked people in the forms for advice and had a pretty rockin system.

The link to that is https://teksyndicate.com/forum/motherboards/asrock-boards/187439

Well I was getting ready to purchase said PC parts when the old lady decided to talk me out of it. She said I did not need to spend over $500 American dollars on a PC. She thought it was wasteful spending. I consider it an investment. I have not bought new computer parts in 10 years or so. Now there is no upgrading I have to start out with a new system. **Disclaimer don't hate me** I have been console gaming for 4 years not /dodges flying tomatoes. I really dislike it. I enjoy PC gaming and miss it dearly. One game I am dying to play is Lichdom Battle-mage. I also want to pretty decent computer that can handle Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, and Mudbox. I don't plan on starting my Youtube career anytime so but it is possible down the road. She kept nagging me now and I have yet to buy 1 single PC part. As well all know it is Tax time in America and if we pay to much to the government through the year we get a pretty nice chunk back. So I told me wife we got our refund back today. I also Showed her a fake Receipt of some parts I "Bought."

here is the PC I built.


She almost killed me, but it got me thinking. If you had money to blow what would you build?


Well that certainly is the investment. You don't have a case listed, which did you use? Also, pics would be cool.


He didn't really build it. He was joking with his wife by the looks of it.

Back on track now. I'm happy with what I have. Although I could use a brand new r9 390x when it arrives. I guess that's my dream? lol

Yeah was just messing with the wife. freak her out a bit. I Have an old Antec Case I would reuse it is amazing missing some pieces. its beautiful I will take pics of it in the morning.

I think you should go for it first off considering how much use you get out of desk tops these days. I feel that if you were wanting to do all these things that you have mentioned that this system would be able to handle all that and more- cause jeez that's a lot of storage.

I think if your wife see things from this angle she would come around. Good luck.