I few months ago I had everything ready to go to build a new PC to get rid of my old hunk of junk. My PC as of right now is a core 2 duo 6400. 2gigs DDR2 memory ATI 9600XT 2 500gig harddrives and 2 1600x900 17in monitors. 500w cooler master PSU.**Edit http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171031 ** 212+ CPU cooler. I asked people in the forms for advice and had a pretty rockin system.
The link to that is https://teksyndicate.com/forum/motherboards/asrock-boards/187439
Well I was getting ready to purchase said PC parts when the old lady decided to talk me out of it. She said I did not need to spend over $500 American dollars on a PC. She thought it was wasteful spending. I consider it an investment. I have not bought new computer parts in 10 years or so. Now there is no upgrading I have to start out with a new system. **Disclaimer don't hate me** I have been console gaming for 4 years not /dodges flying tomatoes. I really dislike it. I enjoy PC gaming and miss it dearly. One game I am dying to play is Lichdom Battle-mage. I also want to pretty decent computer that can handle Maya, Photoshop, Zbrush, and Mudbox. I don't plan on starting my Youtube career anytime so but it is possible down the road. She kept nagging me now and I have yet to buy 1 single PC part. As well all know it is Tax time in America and if we pay to much to the government through the year we get a pretty nice chunk back. So I told me wife we got our refund back today. I also Showed her a fake Receipt of some parts I "Bought."
here is the PC I built.
She almost killed me, but it got me thinking. If you had money to blow what would you build?