Dragon Age/Far Cry Hype train

Ok, watching boogie2998 play Far Cry 4, just wow's me. The rhino has really unrealistic AI and really buggy physics. I mean surviving a few head butts from a rhino as well as the rhino's unrealistic movements. Why didn't they give him like Skyrim physics or something? Def. won't be playing far cry, their first 2 series were ok, but 3 really just tried too much.

Ok Watching people play Dragon Age 4... wow looks really good, but oh wait, you clip through dragon wings.. This isn't 2003 wow arena. Cmon fix the damn clipping. This isn't Soul Calibur II? Where huge swords clip through the ground on the down swing.

I'll definitely watch but not buy these games.

I've noticed you have very high standards for games.

Also Inquisition is the 3rd Dragon Age.

I have some interest in Inquisiton, but I have no interest in Far Cry 4. I do have Origins sitting in my Origin library though, so I'm sure I'll get around to it. If I like it, I might buy Inquisition.


All aboard the hype train!!!

I am looking forward to Far Cry 4. I liked Far Cry 3 a lot and I am curious to see what they do with FC4. That being said, especially after all that has happened with Ubi lately, getting super excited or hyped up for it. That is silly. 

Far Cry 1 wasn't made by Ubi btw.