Do we have a date for when we can pre-order the new DP1.4 KVM switches. Will be be getting a 4-source, two monitor version? I would love one of these. I might even bust out an older computer I have sitting in a box doing nothing and hook it up.
90% sure the first batch will ship in february. Im doing final testing now to put up for pre-orders in a week or two. Then building.
Thank you for the update. Is there any possibility of getting a dual-monitor four-computer version?
Yeah, that’s planned for the release… so pre-order in a couple weeks, ships probably close to feb.
Sweet! I’m ready to order! Thanks man.
Did these become available yet?
yes, they are on the store, dual monitor 4 computer:
note 25% off that price
I received mine. I need a good HDMI (computer) to DP (KVM) cable or adapter. I’ve found a few that support DP 1.2 and many that are uni-directional the wrong way. Any suggestions?
add usb powered to your search query and you should find some that will work. good work thinking about the unidirectionality. you’d be surprised …
I’m not smart, I’ve just screwed up so many times that I eventually learn my lesson.
This is turning into a real PITA. There are plenty of adapters for DP 1.2, but I’m not seeing any for 1.4. For this particular application 1.2 would probably be ok, but if I’m going to spend the money, I would like to do it once and be done.
wait, whats on the hdmi side that needs that much bandwidth?
there isnt even good DP > hdmi 2.1 adapters on the market yet. So I can imagine going the other way is probably limited to dp1.2 for right now
Nothing needs it yet. Just hoping to get a little future-proofing. I just bought a DP1.2 adapter. I don’t even really have any monitors with >1080p60 yet, but I’m looking to get some 1440p or 4K soon
Hey Wendell,
Do we have any timing on when the 1.4 single monitor / two computer KVM may be up for sale/presale again? I hope you’re making some more. Apologies if I’ve missed a notification somewhere.
I took the plunge on a ConnectPRO and haven’t been too happy with it. Hopefully yours offers a better experience. Thanks!
current orders ship end of march/first of april. somewhere through there.
Thanks - i’ll check back periodically.
Hello Wendell,
are you able to give an update when one will be able to ORDER the DP1.4 dual monitor / 4port kvm? This one looks like it does exactly what I want. I don’t need it urgently, just want to order it and be pleasantly surprised when it arrives eventually.
we’re getting really close now, jsut dealing with customs. Probably around april 10 I’ll open up for new orders. +/-
Hoping to order the same 4-port dual display model.
I just got a connect pro KVM and I am having issues. I’m at the moment just switching between an OSX 11.2 hackintosh Radeon vii (opencore) and a older dual Xeon windows 10 workstation. Evytime I try to comeback to the OS X machine I get black screens (dual 4K dell monitors)
Any idea what I could look at ? These connect pro models seem to be finicky, but then again I am running a hackintosh, so I am just not sure…
Ultimate dream is to get the computers all in the basement and run optical DisplayPort and usb cables up to a quiet work environment… ahh t’would be slient bliss
Edit I should mention that I had a advocent 1.2DP 4-port model that worked great and had supper reliable switching but also developed a high pitch wine and no hot-key switching so I wouldn’t have to run down to the basement to implement the full dream plan