Dp1.4 kvm max cable length

Hey guys! quick question, ive been using my DP1.4 kvm for a few years now and i love it! the issue is, i fell in love with rackmount cases. I used to run 3 foot cable mater cables from gpus to switch then switch to monitors. now my setup and location of my case changed. what would be the maximum length to use with dual club3d cables for 4k 120hz? ive seen on amazon page that a 13 foot cable would be fine, but would a 10 and a 3 work? or is it pushing it too far?

to far for sure, get some FIBBR ones (if you need high throughput) could work but high risk

would a displayport 2.0 or 2.1 work since its made to have more bandwith and is backward compatible with 1.4?

Dp cables are a mess in quality and fakes exist Wendell recommends the fibber ones and club 3d you could be fine with plain cables or you might need fibbr ones.if you have the money order both test it out and return what you don’t need

yeah, ordered the 3d ones… if they dont work ill return and up to fiber…

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This is the brand wendell uses, I believe he said something about not using the short ones

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Ill keep it in mind if the 3dclub doesnt work either

I can confirm we had issues with the short cables. Not sure if it was a fluke or not. FBBR is the way to go for sure if you can afford it

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Confirmed… club3d doestn work. Gonna have to het the Fibbr as everybody said… worth a shot

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Confirmed! 10 foot fibbr cable, lcl1tech switch then 3 foot club3d cable works!

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