I am having an issue with my L1 DP Repeater. Basically it does work without an issue as a repeater but I am unable to capture HDMI signal. I am using Elgato CamLink 4k and its capture utility reports there’s no signal. When selected in OBS, it would display black screen. Source signal transmitted via DP is 4k@60Hz, could this be an issue with Elgato card not supporting such framerate at 4K?
Not a card per se, USB stick (model name CamLink 4K). Their knowledgebase suggests “No signal” issue it is indeed a resolution/refresh rate issue.
Options I seem to have: get PCIe card that supports 4K@60Hz, or get downscaling hardware a-la Decimator to do the trick.
Doesn’t look like repeater issue. Thanks Wendell!