1.4 Display Port KVM Switch - Single Monitor - Four Computer
USB Interface (5-gigabit or 10-gigbit):
Port 1 does not seem to work at all. Switching to this port results in monitor toggling active/blank, powersave, repeat. Tested with multiple input devices. Windows running 3070, Linux RX7600, M4 Mac Mini. These all work through the other 3 ports. It just seems like Port 1 is not working at all? I cannot get any video signal through it. Before worrying about cables, been using Club3D with my previous setup listed below.
I can connect all three to Ports 2/3/4 with zero issues. While this sastifies my need, it is a bummer that Port 1 doesn’t see to work at all. Would be nice to have all of that working.
Display - Display is an 38’’ LG 3840x1600@144.
Previously had the Single Monitor - Two Computer version of the KVM, worked fine with zero issues and still works with various combinations of the displays/devices listed above. Same cables. (ex. RX7600 + Mac Mini, RX7600 + 3070, etc) All combinations with fine with existing cables.
FWIW, this is recent/brand new order (Dec 20, Order #15436, Delivery Fri Dec 27)
it’s very likely the working ports are borderline working vs the non working port 1. have you tried 120hz instead of 144? if that works it would confirm even port 2/3/4 are on the razors edge of working and because of that might black out from time to time.
a ferrite bead on the cable in port 1 might fix it. we can also setup an RMA for more testing but each kvm is tested before it leaves, another port to port variance is quite low
I tried 144/120/60 Hz at 3840x1600 and lesser resolutions. All of this worked fine on port 4, but failed to display anything through port 1. I don’t have any ferrite beads laying around, but after the other testing that doesn’t seem like it will change anything.
After none of that worked, I decided to again swap computers across ports. I swapped the M4 Mac Mini over to port 1 … and it worked! And then I moved the windows 3070 to the port the mac mini occupied. It also worked! I cannot explain this logic, but I’m happy it’s working. I don’t have a fourth device to test the simultaneous of all four ports however port 4 was working fine with windows prior to the above shuffling.
The crazy part is that I sweer I tried the Mac Mini in port 1 with no success earlier. I think maybe my testing methodology is not rigorous enough. I haven’t been documented every single step. Maybe I missed something.
Is there any kind of EDID latching taking place internally? Did the port get into a bad state? I previously tried power cycling the device but maybe that data stays latched since DP produce power (at least enough to light the LEDs on the front of the device)? Not knowing anything about internals, I’m just wildly speculating now.
I’m happy to test anything else you can think of OR maybe just leave well enough alone.