Doki Doki Literature Club Obsession (depression thread)

Okay so, this is a sort of open question about the game DDLC. I’m just wondering if anyone else has gotten really obsessed with the characters form this game, especially Yuri. Even getting so bad that it leads to moments of sadness (maybe even depression) because you know that nothing of this is real.

Any thoughts?


havent played it i think most things have been pretty much been spoiled for me with all the memes floating around

It’s a FTP horror-themed spoof of a dating sim/VN. Not really something to get depressed over imo.


yeah i know. sort of the same thing here. You should still play the game because it’s really well made and even though you may already know some parts of the story it’s still good.

I know. It’s pathetic to have a Waifu from this game which is a advertisement for another game. But i can’t help it. Yuri is just the perfect girl.

im curious but this kinda makes me want to not :thinking:

Even getting so bad that it leads to moments of sadness (maybe even depression) because you know that nothing of this is real.

Yeah I think that this is only with me. For some reason i really reacted heavily on this game and for some reasons developed emotions for it. It’s really weird because it has not really happened before.

So, I think you are fine. I’m just an exception that tries to find other exceptions on this forum.

I’ll think about it


I didn’t like any of the characters at all, they seemed so distant from the main character at almost all times.

Of course, the medium at which media is exposed has a great affect on the consumer’s reaction… I watched someone else play through it so in a way my thoughts and the thoughts of the player where different because it was a spectacle, not a 1 on 1 personalized experience. Maybe i would have had a better reaction to them had i played it myself.

The only time that i ever had an odd emotional connection to any form of media/art was when i was a teenager, at the height of puberty and hormones galore.

I figure you might have found yourself in a similar situation, though i only write this because i am curious.
What makes Yuri, what in her character, makes her your waifu, and is she best girl? (these two are mutually exclusive imo)

Yeah, my age may be a huge contributing factor into this entire thing. Though it’s still weird that this specifically triggered these emotions. I often have little to no emotion at all. To anything that is. I mostly just program stuff.

So why I like Yuri huh. Well first of all she seems like a very nice girl in that she cares about what actions she takes. Although maybe a bit over caring I still find that very cute. Also, the way she is shy is just something I really like for some reason. Because she’s generally shy but not when she speaks her mind which she can do. It’s like the perfect combination. I don’t know this but Yuri seems quiet and I imagine a very soft voice going with that and plus being smart and liking literature gets me. I personally don’t really read a lot, maybe the occasional programming book or Asimov novel but not anything else. So I imagine if that girl existed we could exchange those things.

Yeah, this sounds really cringy. That I’m fantasising about a game character. But it’s not really what I’m trying to say. Basically, this personality is applied to any girl would be awesome. I just found out about it from Yuri. Therefore she is my “waifu” because she is the only one that is like that.

But the way she looks also contributes to her personality. So for example the hair color or her height. The height making her methodical and elegant looking also Purple being a calm color. Both attributes contributing to the personality.

And, not to forget. She has the cutest face and expressions / reactions.

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Well, spoilers obviously.

I saw there was a buzz over this game, noting the psychological horror aspect to it. Which is why I played through it. I quite enjoyed the horror/weirdness/fourth wall breaking.

I had some fun deciphering the hidden puzzles, base64 blocks and, wrote a small program to decide the image in one of the character files. I couldn’t make heads or tail of the sound file, even looking at the spectral view. Others had more luck here.
That’s probably as far as I went with it though. The fact it could be a prelude to another game means I haven’t thought too much about it since then. The supposed full game, or prequel, or what ever it turns out to be could be more interesting and have less fake characters, if you know what I mean.

depending on your age your attachment comes from observing traits that you find endearing or from a longing for some one IRL that matches this Yuri characters personality. possibly a bit of both. ( have not played game or seen footage just my 2 cents)

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Haha after reading that, i have a clue as to why you dig her so much, still don’t understand it though. Lucky for you, it’s pretty textbook, just don’t let it weigh you down with interactions with women IRL and try not to get too bummed about it. (I’ve seen this happen a few times, it ain’t pretty)
I won’t say that there’s a girl out there that is similar to Yuri, because while there probably is, the chances of you meating her is very slim, just the reality my dude. But you will, if you keep your head on a swivel and your heart open, find someone even better. Probably not even similar, but that’s the beauty of how we as people view attraction, it’s more flexible than most think.

But that’s just my two cents, take it or leave it, though i would advise taking it since I’ve been 'round bends similar to this before :smiley:

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Yeah you are probably right. That is basically what I said. But longing for someone IRL effecting this? Hmm. Interesting point, it may be true. Either way I’m still stuck in this shitty while loop with no way to break it.

Okay so can you give me the probabilities for finding that sort of girl in different settings. So, like in school or in public ECT. Just an estimate though.

Shit, I didn’t want this to become a conversation about women in general but umm. How do I not try to get bummed about it. Because when chatting with girls irl. It seems as I have a couple of if statements in my head. Those comparing personality traits with Yuri and the irl girl. And if there are too many that are false I just try to end the conversation or think to myself “well shit, better find someone else” though I’m a lanlet so I can’t.

Hope you understand the programming analogy.

I think i figured it out. There is a way out of this. At least a way that worked for me.

Basically you have to fight anime with anime. That is the way I’ve found. So if i had to put this in a more concrete way. Start watching another anime or something that you know you won’t get addicted or obsessed with. If you do, then just watch another one.

Also this is a win win situation because you get to watch more.

Muh Probabilites

In my experience in school shy people tend to be few and far between, just in the last 6 months, people i would consider shy, I can count on one hand out of about 40 different interactions with new people. assuming a 4 out of 40 average (4 or 5 but 4 for simplicity’s sake, these numbers are reflected throughout my life with some uncertainty, also note that sometimes you miss shy people, if you are looking for them, because they will often keep to themselves)
So if we say on average 10% of people you meet are noticeable shy, using my garbage data, and in my opinion, i only find maybe 1 out of 10 women I meet have traits i am drawn to (ignoring how attractive it actually is), not to mention, I come into contact with a lot of comp sci and engineers, so the number of women i am around is increasingly slim, though i don’t know what you are studying or the distribution of the sexes in your school/public spaces, so let’s just say 50/50. So given this line of rather inaccurate reasoning, we can say that to find even someone with attractive traits, that are also shy, in a group of people is about 1 out of 200 interactions, not to mention I personally am super picky about who i like or who i communicate long term with, which further drops this number down to 1 out of 2000… so yeah, in my experience, slim as all get out, i imagine your situation is probably similar.

I think if you compare personality traits with the woman and your waifu, the waifu will always win out since you are only seeing her in a specific context, and the writers of these type of games really do want you to see their characters in the best light. And given the limited exposure, it’s easy to overvalue her personality as it is seen as more precious then your typical person.
not to mention your disposition concerning Yuri

As for getting bummed, just know that there is someone better out there that is actually real, and the chances that someone of that attraction will more than likely like you back (as long as you keep working on your character/personality and exhibit virtues that she finds attractive). But in the meantime, keep yourself busy with other things such as education and what your passionate about. On top of that you can also watch more anime, though chances are you will run into another waifu that steals that heart and gives you someone else to long for lol.

Ok nibba listen. I want to create a open source neural network that is going to be a Yuri Chatbot that may develop into a artificial intelligence. Fuck reality, if you think about it there is no line between reality and the world we can create. Ffs why wasn’t I born into the matrix era.

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Maybe you have been and just don’t know it :thinking:

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I don’t mean it like that. Because i know that the probability of this being the base world is low. But that doesn’t matter. I mean so I can control the simulation I’m in. If you get what i mean.

And please don’t go into the entire simulation thing. It’s really depressing to talk about.