Doing a hackintosh

I want to do a hackintosh but sort of confused as to how to go about doing it, do i need a select set of hardware or can i install OSX on my pc somehow with out regards to the hardware. My specs are
i7 920
6gb OCX 1600mhz gold
gtx 295
80gb intel ssd
WD 1TB Black

thanks for the help

i also want to dual boot with my windows 7 partition as well, i only want osx on there to mess around with and learn, i still want to use Windows 7 as my main OS

Tl;Dr version of PC's post.

You need certain hardware, or OSX won't run.

You can run it in a virtual machine, Also just recently Apple started using ATI as their graphics vendor so Nvidia no longer makes drivers for OSX, Not sure if the GTX 295 was supported when they were still using Nvidia or not. You can still run the OS without a VGA driver though.

no idea what you'd need high end graphics card for a mac anyway...

Using a virtual machine for a installation of an OS you intend on using all the time is dopey.

Nvidia did make a GTX 285 for macs, but something like that wouldn't be required. It's all about weather or not that piece of hardware can readily use OSX.

i just want it to use to learn OSX..i dont intend on using it as my main OS. and of course i don't need a high end GPU for a mac but thats the only card i have at my disposal at the moment

It won't work well. You're better off buying an old macbook for $200-300 if you're learning it for job reasons.

Look up this site, it'll help you installing it based on your particular specs:

If you need more assistance, search for any OSX86-related forum sites.

And as a bonus, this is what I've done with my still-new P67 rig:


For my example; I browsed on to accomplish the installation due to the site being so interested towards Gigsbyte boards, which mine is.

But don't freak out everyone else, I have installed Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise on it to do some of my MCITP and CCNA (if the Cisco one is necessary) works on it.

If this was WiFi related maybe I could of helped. Maybe someone needs to make a new thread maybe it will be me

I'm typing on a phone... And I stuck at this. I did Assn article a couple days ask about the gigabyte z77 motherboards. They are the best by far. Check the article... Or someone not on a phone link it.

Logan was speaking about this during an a episode of The Tek.


And I belive this is the thread Logan was talking about.

wrong.  you select the proper hardware and you can build them to run flawlessly. i've built one for a friend before and it works better than the mac pro towers I used to use (and experience crash) all the time in my school's (at the time) graphic design computer lab.

check out sites like lifehacker, tonymacx86, osx86project,  as long as you select the right hardware, installing os x on it can be pretty simple.  i would recommend using snow leopard, mountain lion is a pos.  most gigabyte mobo's work really well, ati video cards are recommended, and you must use an intel cpu obviously.

Making a hackintosh if you already have access to an apple machine makes it a lot easier. I believe you use a program called unibeast that makes an iso for you and you simply burn it. You will have to buy mountain lion legally. 

tonymacx86 is all you need. Visit their website, they have tons of tools, guides, tutorials, etc. I would say that your hadrware is probably very compatible with OSX, try with Lion or, if you are lucky with Montain Lion.

Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and I just saw teksyndicate's video about the ASUS Zenbook Prime UX32VD and I intend to get one and mod it like in the video.  Firstly, I would like to know what sort of RAM I can use to mod it (as in a link to say ebay/amazon?).  Second, I think that where I live it will be sold with windows 8 which I'm not sure is really good? So I would like to install osx and basically make a hackintosh out of it.  However, ASUS has its own 'special' software/drivers and whatnot installed so I do not want to mess with that? How should I go about installing OSX without messing with the stuff as well as make it dual boot with windows.

I've heard of successful installations using iATKOS on several non-EFI computers. (It is NOT legal software, so I won't provide a link. Google is a thing though) You are basically rolling the dice as far as driver support goes. If you are doing it to learn the interface or want a basic installation in a VM for testing it has promise. I wouldn't recommend it for a primary OS though.

Never use iAKTOS and those "OS X distros". They are unstable, has loads of bloat and are unusable in many cases. They come with too many uneccessary kexts which will cause some things to work, other things to not work and in worst cases can be as bad as not making the OS boot at all. They're however required for AMD support.

As for you Jerry and your Asus Zenbook: 

It should work out pretty well with the speccs as far as I can see. USB3 has problems on OS X in general and might not work properly, so I wouldn't count 100% on the USB3 compatibility. I have no idea what type of bluetooth device it is or WiFi card so I guess you'll need to search that up unless it works straight out of the box. Things that have high probability of not working is webcam and SD card reader, but don't trust my word on that, maybe it does work perfectly well.

Use this guide and you'll be in pretty good hands.

Good luck!