Hey guys I am trying to get into the crypto currency mining field, have been a watcher of bitcoin for many years (since they were only about one or two USD). Well before I knew it Bitcoin was so high and hard to mine i just gave up on trying, and also talked myself out of mining litecoin when they were about 3USD and we can see how I screwed up there. So im not going to miss my chance now with other crypto currencies, ive heard good things from friends on how they have profited on dogecoin. Well i have downloaded doge wallet, cgminer, and created a pool account. Now im trying to get my .bat file correct so that cgminer will start mining, I can post what I have got currently that does not seem to be working. can you guys help me with setting this up, also under the black lines do i use my username.miner name.Also a friend shown me how he has his, do i follow this completely.
friend example:
here is what i currently have: