Step 1: get a dogecoin wallet
download the one for your operating system
step 2: join a dogecoin mining pool
I would recommend signing up with
step 3: make a worker
click on the "My Workers" tab and give your worker and name and password
step 4: download a miner
i would recommend GUIMiner because its easy and simple to use compared to making .bat files and contains cg, reaper, cuda and a cpu miners all in one place!
step 5: configure your miner!
in this example i will be showing how to set up CG miner and this method will apply to other mining methods such as cuda or cpu miner
open up GUIMiner and click on File -> New miner -> New CG miner...
give the miner a name. in this case i called my miner "CG miner Tutorial!"
you miner should look something like this:
now lets start filling this out!
Port: 3333 or 3334
Do you remember that website you signed up for? go back to that website and look for the worker that you had made. the username will be your username for that website then a . and then what you had name the worker.
If my login username for this website is potatoe and i named my worker 1, my username world be potatoe.1
This is what ever you set your password for your worker is.
Device: this can be used to select your GPU or CPU. if you have a GPU then use it as it is far more effective for mining than a CPU will ever be!
Thread concurrency: ignore for now
Worksize: ignore for now
Vectors: ignore for now
Intensity: ignore for now
GPU threads: ignore for now
GPU Defaults:
since we have selected CG miner this will come up with default settings for the options were i have said "ingnore for now". this will display default setting for AMD graphics cards only!!! If you want to use a NVidia GPU then i would recommend you to create a new Cuda miner.
once you have selected your GPU in the GPU Defaults all empty fields will be filled in automatically!
if you have configured you miner correctly it should look somthing like this:
you will notice that i have left the username and password fields blank. thats is because i don't want anyone knowing my worker or site login information!!!
step 6: start mining!
in GUI miner go to View -> Show summary
The summary will show all the miners that you have set up!
click start on the miner you have created and configured over the course of tutorial!
step 7: sending you dogecoins from to you wallet
Open your Dogecoin wallet and go to the Much Receive tab. you should see a default address for receiving payments. right click on your address and click on copy address.
you will notice at the bottom of this picture that you can see "Synchronizing with network" your wallet must be fully synced to view your most up to date balance in your wallet
go to and go to Edit Account
Once your in your account setting you need to unblock the fields to enter in your information. you do this by entering your pin that you have created for your account. now copy your address to the "PAYMENT ADDRESS" field.
don't forget to set "AUTOMATIC PAYOUT THRESHOLD" this means that when you get a certain amount of dogecoins it will pay that amount into your wallet!
step 8: getting faster Kh/s to mine dogcoins faster
Kh/s stands for kilohashesper second. the larger the number this is the more coins you will get! some people like to fine tune their miner settings to get better results.
there are 4 way to do this!
1) buy more graphics cards or faster ones
2) over clock your graphics card. typicaly you want to over clock your memory as far as possible. i wouldn't worry about over clocking your GPU core that much as this does not yield much extra performance
3) keep your cards cool!!! mining is EXTREMELY stressful on your GPU(s)! your GPU WILL be kicking out a lot of heat ESSPECIALY if you running multi card settups. the best way to do this is not to use a computer case. instead buy pci-e risers and make an open air case out of wood and metal
do you remember those fields in the miner configuration i said ignore for now? well if you want more performance you can fiddle about with all these setting to yeild better results BUT BE WARNED! this is very time consuming
Thread concurrency: ignore for now
Worksize: ignore for now
Vectors: ignore for now
Intensity: ignore for now
GPU threads: ignore for now
these are the setting i was referring to
muck about with them if you want at your own discretion
CONGRATULATIONS! you are now mining a crypto congruency inspired by a meme!!!!
I hope this guide helps you guys out there wondering how to mine dogecoins and please hesitate to ask me questions because i am lazy:/
If you guy want me to, i will be considering to make video tutorials about how to mine coins on my youtube channel. let me know if this is something you may be interest in. If enough people are interested then i will make videos on this subject!