so im looking at a water cooling setup and i was wondering if thier is any benefits to having multiple rads.
I'm not a watercooling guy so take my words as you wish. However with how heat works having more rads would give you more points in which can be exausted from the loop in turn giving you a cooler loop. So yes I would assume more rads equal a cooler loop, however the margin in which the temp will come down I haven't a clue as I have no first hand use with watercooling. Though keep in mind and I'm sure you know this but no matter how many rads you have the loop will and can only be as cool as the ambient tempature in the room.
if your just cooling the cpu then a single 240 rad is fine. XSPC makes a great kit for $150. Your temps will only get so low. No matter how many rads. but the more components you add, the more radiator your going to need. Also depends on what your cooling, a gtx-480 is gona make wayy more heat then a 680
good source of info imho
if your watercooling everything the locations of the rads in the loop can either help keep the entire system cooler or one componet cooler and the rest would be much warmer