Does i3 lose it usefulness with more screens? (also a bar question)

Hey guys,
I am have been using i3-gaps for a week now and i really enjoy it on my laptop, just moved it to my desktop and setup the monitors. I have a quad-monitor setup and i3 feels way less useful with more monitors. I can only have 2 desktops per monitor while on laptop I had 10 per monitor. I know I have the same amount of space, but it feels much less useful with 4 monitors.It feels limited since I can only have 2 per monitor and they cant really move easy. Is there something I am missing? Is there a way to have 10 per monitor without it being extremely complicated?

The bar question is, what bar is easy to customize with decent documentation? i am using bumblebee currently and it is okay, but it feels a bit weird and i am having some alignment issues. I have seen people use i3blocks and it looks pretty nice. any suggestion were would be a good place to start for first rice?

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i'm not sure about having more workspaces and why you don't have 10 while using multiple monitors.

Even if you press your super key + 5 ?
or any number?

But, here's a 3 part video which is good for first "rice"
i3blocks is good but i3status is just as good. up to you.
it's a three part video