Wanted: "Perfect" Persistent, High Performance, Secure, Encrypted Disk Subsystem
I think this is relevant because to me it represents the minimum level of data integrity we should all have.
Persistent: i want this data to last my lifetime. (i will always be able to migrate it when i upgrade my system)
Encrypted: so no one can snoop on my data.
Secure: secure from drive failure or similar type data corruption.
High Performance: we all want raw speed on our disk subsystems, you can never have enough throughput~
of course this would still be vulnerable to physical attacks such as the fbi kicking your door in and confiscating the subsystem itself, then the NSA brute force decrypting it because they have the first 40 bits of your encryption key. Or even just someone stealing your computer while you're not home or your house burning down, flooding, getting hit by a meteor, nuclear war, etc. So some sort of cloud backup service would be necessary to fulfill the "persistent" requirement.
I am the proud owner of a WD 1TB RE4 "raid edition?" (i think thats what the RE stands for lol.) hard drive. My plan is to purchase a second one and put them together as a raid 1 volume. This should fulfill two of the above requirements;
1) my data will be mirrored so if one drive fails i can keep using my system uninterrupted.
2) high performance - raid 1 (or perhaps raid-z which i am now aware of thanks to your resident genius Wendell, thank you sir!) should improve the read times, which is the most used function anyway.
So my question is this: do i just have to add a tpm module to my motherboard and enable encryption in the UEFI, and is this technology compatible with a soft raid solution like Intels Matrix Storage Manager? Also does the drive need to support encryption like the 840 pro's advertised support of 256bit AES encryption? Or is it more motherboard dependent? I am using an asus maximus V Gene.
Also, is there any difference between tpms? I see one online for 10 bucks "for asus motherboards," but i also see them for like 80 bucks.
in case you couldnt tell im trying to do this on the cheap, otherwise I would be putting a bunch of samsung 840 pros in like a raid 1E to saturate an LSI Nytro MegaRAID 8120-4i's pciex8 throughput or something like that lol, or just a straight ssd raid on pcie card.
in the future i plan to add additional drives; 3 more, to make a 4 drive raid 10 or 1E with a spare to automatically rebuild a corrupted volume.
A note to all you RAID 0'ers out there...never again!! i had 2 ssd's which of course were touted with a very high MTBF when they came out, then one died...and it was time to install windows again lol.