Does anyone here buy and resell Steam (Trading) Cards?

I've noticed that there can be returns on these cards as high as 200% albeit only thirty cents or so. Over many transactions that could add up to be a lot. Has anyone considered doing this or already do it? I've noticed that the very low priced cards on the Steam Marketplace sell within seconds of being listed, so it seems like somebody is doing this...

Steam cards are worth the value they are listed at, no more. Reselling is feeding off of the idiots of the internet, and is not condoned by myself. Not that I have any authority, but it is pointless to spend more than $20 on a $20 Steam card.

he means the trading cards (i think), as for feeding off the idiots of the internet, i couldn't approve more

I think I should have said Steam "Trading Card" not a Steam Card to be loaded for credit on Steam

Oh, that makes more sense. I suppose you could profit, somehow.

I just sold a bunch for a total of $10.96...averaged about $0.60 a piece.  They sold instantly too.  As for buying and reselling, the thought has occured to me but it's such a fast paced marketplace that it's tough to do.  

Well I entirely know you can profit, I traded for some stuff and sold it and made $0.30. I know that's not alot but if done dozens or hundreds of times it could equate to a significant amount

COGlory, what cards did you sell? Most of the cards I have bought/sold were selling for about .33-.40 a piece

Counter Strike and Borderlands 2 mainly.  Team Fortress and DOTA are much cheaper.  

I made $8 last month.  I'm fine with that.

I had no clue you could sell them... Where do I go to do that?

Edit: Found it

I only sell them. Got 0.30 so far.