Does anyone have a BF3 origin or steam key?

I know this is shameless, but does any one have one they don't want?

acually i have one...came with my MB...

can i have it?


musst at 3.40 in the morning is hard to remember were this thing is...

np let me know when you find it, i sent you a message with my mail

Does anyone else have a BF3 steam key Please :) i know its begging

stop begging and go spend 5 dollars and get bf3 and like 5 other games. if u cant afford 5 dollars then there is something wrong


i am in not in the postion to buy the games, sorry to ruin your reading hater.

Check your PM

thanks :-)))))))))

well too bad ur just to poor to afford something thats costs 5 dollars. if u have a job its not hard to be able to afford a 5 dollar game.