I am planning to do a compact gaming build. And I was planning to use one of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/16X-Slot-Powered-Riser-Cable-PCI-E-Express-Extender-Adapter-Riser-Graphics-Card-/121130792584
It should run a gtx 580 on its side to keep the build more compact. Now I wanted to know does the increase in cable length affect performance or latency? I mean increasing the cable length means increasing the travel time for the signals right? Or is the speed at which these signals travel so high it doesn't have an effect?
True but if you increase the cable length you also increase the signal travel time right? I know we are talking nano seconds here but doesn't that make a difference since cards run at extremely high herz?
What I meant was if the gpu and cpu send info back and forth those pico seconds quickly stack up for each herz. But I guess the information only flows one way, I didn't know that.
you do realize I was being facetious? No, there will be no latency, since compared to the speed of light (approx. 3*10^8 m/s), an additional two inches of travel distance is really unimportant in the grand scheme of latency.