Do you watch or listen to music/podcast while gaming - what is it?

I was listening/Watching the latest WASD on my second screen, while also playing N4S Most wanted.
and I quite regularly watch the EEVblog and other shows + listening to War Of the Worlds. Just to name a few while gaming.

Does anyone else do something similar?

Whhy? Listening to external sounds removes from the game

Sometimes I listen to The Tek or The WAN Show or some music while playing The Binding of Isaac or Risk of Rain or some game that doesn't rely on sound.

I generally catch up with The Tek and other "TechTuber" talk shows while gaming, especially on my most recent Fallout binge.

Depends on the game, story heavy games i dont usually play music, or on games with extremely good soundtracks like Transistor however mechanics based games and some fps i do put music while playing them.

Not usually but the other day I listened to this while playing Elite Dangerous (grinding so I can get the damn cutter)