This is to each of all of the Tek Syndicate members (...and Albert) who are probably viewing this question while streaming a new episode of INBOX.EXE: Do you guys ever try to learn new skills like coding a new language, designing a video game, learning to play a new instrument, etc., or improve on old skills like recording, photography, music, etc.? Y'all seem to have such busy lives that I wonder if you guys have time for anything you truly want to do for yourselves. Thanks for answering or even reading this question, keep up the good work, and stay golden.
(TL:DR): Do you guys try new things?
I am 25 and just started taking a class on "Beginner's guitar". I bought a nice solid-top Ibanez acoustic guitar almost 3 years ago, thinking that I will teach myself some "jams" from youtube, and since I was so busy and learning guitar was so hard and time consuming I could barely teach myself 10 chords with 3 strumming patterns all of which sounded horrible.
Now i started going to this music school, so far I have taken 3 classes (1 hour class per week), and I have learnt way way more than I have learnt in the last 3 years.
So all I am saying is that you need a proper protocol and the right guidance. We always say time is an expensive commodity and we are busy spending it cautiously, but the reality is that time is the most irresponsibly wasted commodity in the known universe.