I use a Asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0 Since I updated to the newest Bios (2104) my AMD FX8350 won't use Turbo clocks anymore. I tried pretty much every Bios setting I found... CPU spread spectum is Turned off, PCI Spread spectrum I left on. AMD Turbo is on "Enabled" and I set the Multiplier for the Turbo to 21 instead of "auto". (4.2ghz) The EPU is disabled, but Cool'n'Quit is on "Managed by CPU" and C6 State is enabled too, because if I'm only surfing the webs, I don't want my Processor to run hot, or always run at 4GHZ... Does anyone have similar Problems, or knows what Settings I could change? I tested the Turbo with Prime 95 which I let run workers on 1 or 2 cpu-cores. With the old BIOS the cores would clock themself to 4.2 GHZ when they weren't running to hot.
If I forgott to mention any details that could help solfe the Problem, please ask, and I'll suply them. This really bugs me...
I have the same motherboard, but I never actually wanted turbo so I never noticed if it was there or not. I'd just reset to optimized defaults in the advanced bios and see if that works. It should. Other than that I don't know what settings would change this (other than the ones under AI Tweaker that actually say turbo.. I'm not at home, but I believe that there is one that says the words Turbo Enabled or something).
Just do a small overclock to 4.2 ghz and keep cool and quiet on. It will be as though it previously was and will hit the 4.2 ghz frequency, regardless of thermal thresholds, unlike originally.
For Turbo to kick in, APM (application power management) needs to be enabled. The cpu now clocks itself pretty volatile, but I save 10°C in average on the temps... For games, at least the ones that don't utilize all 8 cores at a 100% I should get more out of it too...