Do I really need a 4GB graphics card?


choosing a graphics card is giving me a hard time. Around 4 month ago I looked at AMD cards then to Nvidia (back and forth) and now I think I want to get a 770, but then Maxwell came along. But I think a 770 will be and will become cheaper, because I want to sli in the future.

I do video editing with Magix Video Deluxe Premium 2014. They have some extra support for Nvidia cards, that is why I don´t think I should get a AMD. 

Would it make sense for me to get a 4gb card when I do 1080p video editing. I also would like to be able to game on a single monitor. 

If you could grab a friend's nvidia card (or at least test it on his/her pc)and see what's the graphic ram usage you currently use, then you would be able to make a decision,. (make the test on worst possible scenario, so you'll know taht you will always be plenty of ram). 


Don't know how much 1080p video ram uses but I want that same graphic card, mayb the asus direct cu II

I also want to get the Asus. The backplate looks pretty nice. The price difference from 2 to 4gb is 100€, that is nuts.

Totaly nuts, but it's the same almost elsewhere, but yeah it is

4gb video cards are only really needed for higher resolution gaming (above 1080) and really only help above 1440.  Since you're not gaming in that range, I say save the money and go with the 2gb version.  I got no clue on the editing aspect, so I cant really help there.

Simple answer is no. More RAM doesn't give a performance benefit. Though, you might utilise more than 2GB, you won't get a higher FPS. It's worthless. 2GB is sufficient for resolutions above 1080p, contrary to popular belief.

Let's say this, if you play skyrim with a shit ton of mods, the 4GB VRAM will help

4k texture mods says yeah.

4gb cards + single 1080p monitor is 9/10 a waste. 2gb is fine.

i run skyrim at 1080p on a 6970 and it used 2.3 gb so i dropped another one in totaling 4gb and it runs great.

I don't know Titanfall has a 3GB+ only mode, now I know its only one game but could that be something we see in near future on more games?

Coming from Experience and using a GTX 770 Classified by EVGA, and yes I Agree it is dumb to have 4GBS of VRAM for gaming. but my inner idiot tells me "if i can have it why not" and what everyone has mentioned above, for 1080p Gaming it is un-neccesary. however these so called "Next Gen" Games some of them ARE pulling in between 4GBS of VRAM and 2GBS of VRAM. so to Be honest it helps a TINY BIT, and if you can get one, grab it. however for what you mentioned extra VRAM for Editing I don't know if it helps, Feel Free to Correct me if I'm Wrong, However for Gaming I will argue it is beneficial to have. especially now that these "Next Gen" games have the potential now to use An Absurd amount of VRAM.