Do I need to upgrade?

Hello guys, I have just build my own RIG. Originally, the RIG is meant for gaming. However, with my school starting soon, I'm thinking of providing services to help my schoolmates to make games for their project, or help to render 3D projects. I want to know whether I need to upgrade from the AMD to Intel? I have heard that AMD needs a really long time to render something which Intel absolutely destroys it. This is my current specs:


FX-8350 @ 4.4GHz

990FX Sabertooth R2.0

8GB ADATA Basic 1600MHz RAM

128GB OCZ Vertex 450 SSD


Gigabyte GTX780 Windforce Rev 2.0 


From what I have seen in my polytechnic (some form of college, instead of getting a degree, you get a diploma.), the projects are always running on heavily modified Source Engine or Unreal Engine. I have read about the Devil's Canyon, which I'm very interested in, but I want to upgrade because I need it, not because I want it. Any recommendations for further upgrades are welcomed.


Looks fine to me... it'll render... and Intel doesn't "destroy" AMD till you get to the 4930k... I mean the 4770k is a little faster in pretty much everything, but certainly not worth spending $500 to switch to...

You could upgrade it, but it'd be a huge chunk of money for not a lot of upgrade... unless you really want to go socket 2011 and 4930k... of course then you're talking $700-800...

some matching sticks of RAM to take it to 16GB might not hurt though

You have a pretty solid system that seems capable of handling anything the Source or Unreal engines could throw at it.  I don't see any reason you would need to upgrade.

You only need to upgrade if you feel you lack performance.

That said, your computer looks fine for your school and gaming uses.