Do I meet the requirments?

CPU:Â Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
CPU SPEED: 2.79 GHz Performance Rated at 4.19 GHz
OPERTATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition, 32-bit (Build Service Pack 16001)
VIDEP CARD: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller (Microsoft Corporation - XDDM) ()

sorry but no. Your problem lies here.
Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller (Microsoft Corporation - XDDM) ()

Intel Chipset, worst you can get

You could just go buy a cheap 50 dollar card, 256MB graphics card, and just game with that or something.


go for something like a 9600gt or a hd 4670.

Iv been told I cant use much on my Dell Demintion 4600 cause of my power supply. Know anything i can use on this?


yea go for an oldish 512, or a modern 256?

check how much power you got.

I cant find out, I even tryed to oppen it but didnt see anything.

you should just buy/build another computer. the one you have now is really pushing it.

comments like this are so fucking pathetic
do you ever think that maybe some people cant afford to build or buy a new computer
help him dont tell him to go build a computer... dumbass

and @ op
your PC can handle a 8600gt
just get something that dosent require extra power and your pc can probably handle it

comments like this are so fucking pathetic
do you ever think that maybe some people cant afford to build or buy a new computer
help him dont tell him to go build a computer... dumbass

and @ op
your PC can handle a 8600gt
just get something that dosent require extra power and your pc can probably handle it

Could you provide a link and would i be capible of playing the game?

This is what Pathogen was talking about...

i dont think a 8600gt will work. i think the DELL 4600 uses AGP not PCI-e. in that case you can look for an AGP card but they have terrible drivers and usually cost more than they give.

ATI has the hd 4670 AGP version but your PSU might not handle it.

your PSU is 250watts
(this is why i told him to get a new comp. or a cheap mobo replacement that supports PCI-e and maybe a cheap CPU to go along.)

double post.

How can I find out if my case has AGP or PCI-e?

easiest way is to open it up and check. (AGP slot is always brown)


And where would this be located?

it's on the motherboard at the lower area most of the time.