Do I have enough power?

So I currently am running  an AMD FX6300, Asus GTX660, 16 GB RAM (4x4GB), one SSD, and two HDD off a Thermaltake thoughpower 700W PSU. I am thinking about putting another GTX660 in SLI and want to know if the PSU will be enough. I tried the corsair and newegg calculators and they give me drastically different answers... one saying I have more power than I need and the other saying I will be very much under powered.


You have more power than you need. SSDs and HDDs have low power consumption.

I would estimate that the consumption of a single 660 is the same as any other mid-range card. Approximately 150W during a gaming session. You might exceed that under a synthetic benchmark. So two 660s shouldn't be much more than 300W-350W, highest estimate.

Total estimate would be about 500-550, which may include a few additional fans. You should rest assured that 700W is easily enough. 700W is recommended for much higher-end SLI configurations.

Thanks that was VERY helpful.