Do GHZ stack?

Well I found out that tech tomarrow's "Red Dawn" system had 2 xeons clocked at something around 2.4 GHZ, I'm asking this because I know combined graphics card RAM doesnt stack, and its a gaming machine, how can you play games and not have a huge bottleneck from that?




No, you would simply have two CPUs running at 2.4gHz, that can both operate on different tastks at the same time, not to meniton all of the individual cores/threads.

But, no, they don't stakc like that, in trems of performance.

Thanks for the info!



The main reason for having 2 Xenon CPUs on a single motherboard is the Hyper Threads. The hyper threads can take charge of lots of little background programs running all at the same time in a server based environment. Same is true of AMD Opteron Server grade CPUs with 16 cores only they dont use hyper threading software wizardry. They use raw core count to achieve similar results for a lower price.

Alright, thanks!

