Do ASUS laptops support Linux well?

I’m currently saving up to buy a pretty good laptop that I can bring with to college for note taking and playing games on when I’m not doing any work. I plan on getting one from ASUS.

Since I’m pretty damn tired of Microsoft and Windows, I plan on using Linux whenever I can. Do ASUS laptops have good Linux support or am I better off buying something else from MSI or Dell or something?

I mean how much is your budget?

System 76 makes good linux laptops, and the dell xps 13 is another great choice.

From my limited experience, Asus laptops play well with Linux. My Asus Zenbook is really well supported by Linux Mint. All of the function keys were recognized properly, the touchpad works fairly well (doesn't compare to macbook trackpads, but it's easily the best non-mac trackpad I've tried), and I can even use the touchscreen to click (not to move anything, just to click). Battery life did take a hit because Asus had a very aggressive battery saving tool in Winblows, but it only went from 8 hours to 7, which hardly bothered me.

Tjj226_Angel's recommendations are awesome choices. I'd say just find something you like in your budget and Google around a bit to see how your favorite distro works with it.

+1 for System76 if you're buying a laptop with the intention of running linux from the start. Can save you a lot of headache, and having real time, real person support from the manufacturer is something to consider as well.

Do they support Windows as well? I'm still going to have to use it, sadly.

Disregard the previous reply, that was kind of a dumb question

Well yeah, generally speaking support for Windows comes with the purchase of the software license. You'd just be dealing with Microsoft support rather than your hardware manufacturer.

How about this one?

My lower end asus laptop handles grub2 like a champ .
Asus intel celeron X551CAP

From my experience yes, but I've only owned 2 Asus laptops.

I have an Asus laptop that at one point had Linux on it. Getting that to work was a hassle. I transferred universities so now have to use Windows because this university loves the .net framework and C# last school used Java. So Asus and Linux? It's a crapshoot

ASUS does not provide any support for Linux as far as I know. It is more a question of how long you are willing to wait for your Linux distro to support new products from ASUS.

For example, I've had my eye on the Zenbook UX305CA. It has issues with its trackpad due to a change in how Skylake chipsets handle I2C compared to previous platforms (this affects other laptops as well). Fedora has a patch for it in Rawhide, but I've decided to wait until that patch makes it to release.

My advice is to research the specific product before buying.

Who made the laptop really doesn't matter. What you want to look into is if the hardware will work or not. My Acer S7-392 works with OpenSUSE flawlessly, but I probably can't say the same about another laptop by the same brand. Check if there is any proprietary hardware in what you are thinking of buying, for example, Broadcom isn't exactly nice with Linux when it comes to wireless, at that point if you are likely stuck with Ubuntu based distros since they have the best hardware support.

Any laptop will do in my opinion. Just avoid ones with broadcom wireless cards, realtek Ethernet controllers, killer NICs and newer i2c touchpads. Although newer kernels are improving supports for i2c touchpads and killer NICs.

I bougth asus zenbook pro 14 and i have problem whit linux… I can’t install needer ubuntu18.04/19.04 or linux mint does you have solution??

2016 was the last post.