i was talking to some of my friends and we got onto the topic of dlc and one of my friends misheard me and thought i said *muisic dlc* which we thought was pretty intresting but it sprung another question.why in games is it ok to release extra content after the original content?in no other entertainment mediums would this work
music:buy a song of itunes and in 2 months pay for another 30 senconds ??
tv:the show ends on a cliffhanger and what?you have to pay to see they end?
i could go on but i want to pass the topic onto you.why is it ok to do this in games when it doesnt make sense just like the examples above.
Well in games the dlc is normally made when the game team has finished the project and they have a few spare weeks before the game has been processed, approved and ready to ship. So paying for their extra work if you want it isnt that big of a deal. Also the dlcisnt the ending of the game. For example Fallout's dlc is a completely new experience off from the main story with new items people and areas. For games like call of duty with their stupid $5 camos now thats just bullshit.
Well, with music, we have singles, remixes, B-sides, and things like that. For movies and TV, we have extended cuts and deluxe editions with alternate endings, interviews, production documentaries, and that sort of thing. So the idea of purchasing additional content has definitely been around in other parts of the entertainment industry for a while.