I cheaped out and get a NZXT Source 210 case. I realized after installing 6 fans it was a bit noisy. I then decided to use thin rubber toolbox liner and spray adhesive to line the inside of the side doors and front panel. Works better than expected. Spent around $12 total and bought some rubber washers to use between the fans and the case as well. Very noticable drop in noise and vibration.
I also managed to fit an H100i inside by mounting the fans on top of the case in a pull configuration. My next step is to make or find a cover for those fans, although they are dead quiet at idle.
The brand is Wonderliner, I got a roll of it at the Ace Hardware that I work at. I used 3M spray adhesive to apply it. It's very thin (about 2mm thick). I trimmed it easily with a pair of household scissors.
I might check it out, I wonder how some of the craftsman stuff compares due to the different shape, (I work at a sears)
We carry the craftsman stuff as well, but it is identical material but is more expensive for the same amount.
well the material is only half of it, its also the shape and form its in that affects the sound dampining, it might be better or worse depending on the shape
Some thing like this may keep your fingers safe.
Nice job/mod.