I want to run a cloud service for my self and a handful of friends on the same server that i run my personal site, Im not sure of how to go about this or what software is good for this kind of solution. Id like to have Email, and data on the same server all under one domain name.
What kind of connection do you have at your house. List everything you want to serve up? Also I am sure most will agree but you do not want to manage an email server for your friends let alone yourself. Too much work for little return .
Nooope. Don’t bother, you cant provide a more secure service than others can, especially when it comes to email.
Other stuff, sure maybe. You could use nextcloud for example, its not to much work to manage, though you have to make sure its managed properly as you will be responsible for their personal data. That potentially includes following data privacy laws remember.
The server is on Linode, under the domain name imakeinternet.tech
I want to serve
- My web page
- Some files(mostly PDF books)
- Email (to look professional to employers)
What you want then is your own domain for email, not to run your own email server (try if you want to learn, but i don’t recommend keeping your own running, you’ll quickly find its just a pain.)
Plenty of services will offer email for your domain, you get the benefit of not having to maintain email infrastructure and have your own email that can move service whenever you want.
Nextcloud is probably overkill then, you probably just want some file storage service. None spring to mind at the moment.