Ditching Macs, New to PC

Hi guys, new to pc building and wanted some comments and reccomendations for a Gaming oriented PC.  Want to Run games like MW3, BF3, u know games of that nature. First off AMD or Intel? Tell me what u guys think. got a $1200 Maximum Budget...that includes the pc monitor, Keyboard & Mouse, Speaker System etc.. Looking to build the system sometime in the 8 months to a year. so please take that into consideration when reccomending parts current or future. 



Vic M

An AMD Build offer better value for money, with cheaper better equiped mobo's and cpu costs for gaming Logan has a video with very good AMD Build for your bugdet. I do apologise for the lack of link buti it is on the main page.

ok thx, good to know.  i'll b sure to check it out.  Btw, Like the Garbage Pail Kids Logo, i used to collect those...takes me back


Vic M

Sorry I went over $50, but here you go: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/CIoG

The case is opinionated, but Fractal Design makes very Mac-esque designs; clean, simple, etc. There are other colors , but seeing as you are a Mac user, the solid white seems best ;) If you were to go with a cheaper case, you could put in an aftermarket cooler. If you removed or lowered the size of the SSD in favor of an HDD, you could save money as well. However, it would make more sense to wait before making a parts list because 1 or 2 new lines of products could be released from Nvidia, AMD, Intel, etc. making this build cheaper, or a more powerful build cheaper. In the meantime, however, you may want to look into getting a mechanical keyboard; it increases the typing experience many times over. Cheers,


Brennan Riddell

im looking to get away from macs, as they are not very good for gaming.  therfore, it really would matter to me if the system case is more appealing a mac user.  any reccomendation would be acceptable 


Vic M

thanks, and welcome to world of the custom pc.