Distributed computing for game server

Hi everyone,

I am looking at running a server for ArmA 3. I know that ArmA 3 Servers require a lot of processing power in order to run a map the size that Altis will be, plus all of the other operations (AI, bullet calculations, etc.). If I were to take older 2 x quad core servers (or even 2x dual core such as a Dell 1950) and link them together would that be able to run ArmA 3, or would the latency in the system kill the speed that would be gained in linking them?

What would be the best program to do this with?

- Jason

I'm not extremely familiar with NOS systems out there but I know for Windows Servers you can add a role on them called clusters and that makes multiple servers appear as one server and share resources. The latency on these shuold be extremely low using proper network setups but I cannot give you a realworld number.

Thank you for the information, I am going to look into if there is something like that option for Ubuntu. Any information helps, I want to make this happen if it is possible.


Take a look for a dual xeon setup, there are many different Dual Xeon Mobos, EVGA has 2 high end Mobo's and there are many servewr grade Mobos available that will do the trick. A single Octo Xeon should do the trick though

Hi anon,

I was looking into making a server out of a AMD (AM3+) 8 core that sells for about $200, or upgrading two computers to those AMD 8 cores and turning the two Q8300 into servers and using those. Looking into getting a 8 core Xeon ranges from $900-3400 area. I did a calculation, which I could be off my rocker but it came out like this:

Assuming that I buy an Intel Xeon E5-4650, 8 core at 2.7 GHz for $3470 (and that is just the processor) the total would come out to 21.6 GHz.

In Seattle there is a place selling older 2 x Intel Xeon Quad Core servers for $149, I could purchase 23 of them for $3470.

Assuming the low end of 1.8 GHz, A 23 Server cluster would have a combined 331.2 Ghz, which is overkill for what I am looking at doing, but in terms of processing horsepower it might be a better bang for the buck.

(This is negating power cost to run 23 servers, which would be at minimum around $322 per month, and that I don't have $3470)

Again, I could be off my rocker and rolling down the front porch at this point.

I can get Dell 2650's for about $60 per unit and link those together, it would take 4 of them to equal one 8 core being that they are dual socket 2.2 GHz single core Xeons.

If i wad you i'd look out for some cheap Xeon builds on ebay, maybe socket 771, but the problem is if you're hosting from home your ISP could sue you/shut down your network. For that reason if you're seariously wanting to do this you'll probally have to upgrade you network package (to an server grade network.) For the os i'd go for some form of Linux maybe Ubuntu server.