I’m having problems with daisy chaining. I’m pretty sure that the problem is with X11 as I have no issues on Wayland (I would like to avoid using Wayland if possible). The problem also goes away when I disable the laptop display.
The connection goes: laptop -> usb-c to dp -> first monitor -> dp -> second monitor.
When i connect it usually works but after a reboot or log off/on the second monitor gets no signal and nothing happens if i reconnect it. If it does work it takes up to 30s before any picture is shown on any display from when I log in. If I force it with xrandr it also takes 30s .
If I use separate connections for every monitor it works, but that is not an option (laptop only has 3 usb-c ports). I also tried different monitors and dp cables and no luck.
Dell xps 7390
Manjaro with Gnome 3.38 (X11)
gpu driver video-modsetting