Display Port What?

what is the difference between the various Display port/HDMI/DV-i and which one is better?

I'm newb but let's see if I remember, HDMI is an HD capable cable that also transmits audio, DVI is an HD capable cable that does not transmit audio, display port blows them both out of the water (capable of much higher resolutions).

Hopefully I didn't screw that up, I didn't google.

Displayport is more friendly to multi monitor use with DP hub's. Both transfers both video and sound.

DVI does only video.

^Was going to type up an answer but everything Krothie said covered it.


just something to add. if you want to do a multi screen display with an AMD card, say is has 2 dvi and a display port. you would need to get an active converter to convert the display port to dvi to run a 3 screen eyefinity. just so you know.


but yeah, display port trumps all of them. not many screens have display port connections on them, actualy i cant think of any that do. but you can convert display port to hdmi and dvi-d so its all good.