Hello Everyone,
I’m looking for a disk shelf for my R710 for future expansion capabilities, and I am wondering what I should be looking for.
I guess I would like a 12bay 2U chassis if possible which would connect to my main box with a SAS 8088 connector or two…and would like a relatively cheap option <$400. In terms of noise it has to be relatively quiet, at least around the volume levels of the R710. Is the MD1200 a good option for FreeNAS? Are there any cheapish NetApp shelves? All I could find on eBay at low cost are 24 bay shelves and I think that would be a waste of electricity as I will definitely not be able to populate that many drives in the lifetime of this server.
Any suggestions?
I recently picked up a netapp d4243 for 60$.
Isn't that 24 bays tho?
Seeing as you already have the R710 (and presumably, you arent looking to upgrade to an R720xd)
Get a Dell Compellent drive expansion device:
Since I am running FreeNAS and I could care less about DRAC, and I am not using an H700.... Im not sure that it matters if its listed as Dell Compliant.
Compellent != Compliant
This is what you want. It's an external enclosure, power supplies, and HBA.
So the Compellent SC200 would be the best option?
@Wendell is there a 2U equivalent of the shelves you guys are using in your storage server?
Those are just connected to an LSI 9207-e w/ a couple 8088 SAS cables or something right?
Would there be any real differance between the Dell and the Net App?
Unless I'm mistaken, those looks like NetApp 24bay storage arrays
Just based on the look and shape, they probably are fairly similar to the Compellent model I linked previously, except twice as big