Not true. I used to have a 5770 and it handled Battlefield 3 on max settings with well over 50fps just fine. But then again my resolution was only 1600x900.
don't use MSI after burner unless you have a MSI card otherwise use Sapphire Trixx, It lets you go past 960 Core clock and voltage control if your card supports it, I have my 5770 set to 1035 Core clock that is stable in games and bitcoin mining, I can probably go to 1300Mhz memory
if you can sqeeze in a after market cooler on your CPU then change the FSB to 240, lower you HT multiplier by 1, lower your Ram multiplier by one level, up your CPU volatage to 1.45v, Up the CPU-NB voltage to 1.3v and change the CPU multiplier to 16.5 or 17 to attain 4Ghz if thermally reasonable leave the CPU-NB multi alone you want it at 2400Mhz (speeds up L3 cache, allows higher ram speeds)
Just to tell you guys, From switching my shitty HDD ( 300GB 5400RPM 8MB CACHE ) to a 1tb HDD ( 7200RPM 16MB CACHE ) gave me a large boost in my FPS.
Giga, i did overlcock my cpu to 4.2 GHZ but since i got my i7 i just left it at stock. Thanks for the advice for the GPU overlcock, never overclocked my GPU and i use MSI after burner just to check my TEMPS but im going to give Sapphire trixx a go !
To people who dont belive me, well you dont have to... just wanted to share the news with you guys