Discussion on monitors

Hey guys,I want to talk about monitors.

I would like to have a triple monitor setup,but the 21:9 inch display is just drop dead gorgeous.

So my question is,would you prefer a 3 by 1080p setup or a single 21:9 inch display?

and tell me what monitors you have at the moment,would be cool if you can provide some photos of your monitor/setup. (that's optional but would be cool to have)

Well the thing about going triple monitor is bezels. I would just prefer a huge screen all together. But it's more an opinion based situation, also it depends on the games you play.

Some monitors can be debezel,but that's too much hassle.

the dell s2340M has some very thin bezel,but overall in terms of affordability,21:9 inch monitor are generally a bit cheaper,but not by much. (Both option aren't really that affordable,but user experience is important,)

And what monitor do you have?

I only have two 22" 1080p monitors. I bought the first one,an Acer, I got when I first built my computer last year and i picked up the 2nd, an LG, off ebay for $20. I personally only game on one while doing stuff on the other at the same time(ex. Watching movies, reading articles/game guides). Maybe if I get around to buying third monitor I will do eyefinity, but I think i need to drop some more cash first on another 7950 to even be able to push it. They are mixed, but I like them and it does come in handy when doing things.

Yup,I agree,extra workspaces enhance productivity.

Viewsonic's VA2703 27-Inch, Sometimes if I want to I'll have mix it up and game on all 3, or do gaming on the middle one and the other two with guides, and lastly watch youtube on one, follow an article on another, and video conversions on the last one.  They are 1080p monitors so while they are big they aren't perfect but I like them.

@doctorsub1 : The bezel is looks big on this monitor..how does it look like to you?

@DEAD-Al_x : Cool,glad I've help you finding a good monitor. Do note that it only has VGA and DVI,no hdmi.

I would go for a 21:9 there is less messing around and you still get the ultra wide experience with out giving up space and extra effort to get them debezeled or getting eyefinity/surround to work

i'd personally perfer just one wider display, triple just takes up too much space and is almost too wide in my oppinion, for me i'd really like 1 16:9 in between 2 4:3, much wider viewing angle but not rediculous and going out of your field of vision

i also think 2 is really the sweet spot of productivity, the third one would just be dormant when every you're not gaming

I have 2 23" 1080p monitors... and I find it invaluable to have the muti-tasking ability that comes with multiple screens. it's really handy for streaming, as I can have my twitch dashboard and OBS up in the secondary screen, while the game is in my primary.

It's also really nice for doing my school work, csci especially. I can have the project i'm working on, and an example project open side-by-side in one screen, while I have the language documentation and other reference stuff open in my browser on the other.

i'm planning on getting a korean 1440p monitor over winter break, along with a monitor arm. i'm gonna put one of my 23" screens in portrait, and then have the other on the other side. pretty much how logan has it, except only the portrait will be on an arm (my desk isn't conducive to a standard monitor arm arrangement).

 21:9 monitors are still over priced  cheapest ones at $400 why not go 1440p for about the same.

It works for me but I've tucked the side monitors to hide the bezels.  I don't mind it.


DEAD-Al_x : Now,I demand you for a photo of your setup =P Looking at your profile..Damn you're rich haha

ragingh4vok : It's wide,but it's really expensive...

overlordnick : Triple monitor isn't a must have for me,I just wanted to have some nerdgasm =P (JK)

here's what I'll do : for daily use I'll use the center monitor,with an accessory display (I have some monitors laying around)

For gaming,triple monitor of course =P If I go for triple monitor option that is.

Commisar : Once you go multi monitor,you never go back =P

tacopat : Yes,1440p,but it's even more pricier here. By how much you might ask,I can get triple S2340M for less than half of the price of a 1440P monitor.

My monitor set up atm 


I have no idea if I get the html link right >..>... we shall see ~

Ideally -yet still realistic- I'd really want an X-Star for 1440p gaming and have my Vizio monitor take the spot of my junky small one.  I like dual monitors for the utility of it, but when it comes to it being 1 program strewn across multiple monitors it's kinda meh to me >..>...

Especially when it comes to either grindy JRPG games or something like Minecraft where I don't need my whole brain to focus, I rely so heavily on having dual monitors so I can have either anime or youtube for extra white noise on the sub monitor.

If it was really between a 21:9 and 3 1080p monitors though I'd go with the 1080p monitors all set up portrait like Logan did with the 1440p ones xD Also an odd detriment I can see in a 21:9 monitor is finding good wall papers for it xD

Finally someone who post a picture of his/her monitor setup! I really appreciate it.

Is that vizio monitor a tv,it sure looks like one and that remote >.>

Triple monitor seems like a better option (or sweeter) for me haha








