Discuss, What is the proper age for Tech?

By “Tech”, I mean; TVs, smart phones, tablets, computers, overall displays, radio/speakers.

Because humans develop differently when they are in contact with technology. In some study they proved that younger people have different colour ranges in eye sight than older people.

What would people say abiut Play.Date? Would people buy that as a “first” handheld or gaming device?
I would either that or a lighter version of a Gameboy Colour. Because there is no backlight to mess with myopia. I think that would be the reason but it probably is because the device is so close to the eyes.

You already have lots of answers, so my input is possibly superfluous. However, based on my own childhood/youth in the 80s/90s as well as what I see in friends with kids, I think it boils down to the following:

  • Supervised use can start as early as possible, preferably in small doses at a time. Don’t leave the kid with the device; put in the work to be involved with their use.
  • Unsupervised use should start as late as possible, after it appears they probably understand the possibilities and dangers. Also, e.g. no computer in the kid’s room but rather in a family space.